5 Identity Theft Protection Tips
Identity theft can be detrimental and impact many areas of your life. While identity theft may not be completely preventable, there are multiple tips and tricks you can do to ensure your identity is as safe as possible.
National Public Employee Alliance works with each client to ensure identity safety by offering identity theft insurance to fit your needs. In addition, find a few safety tips listed are below.
Use Strong Passwords
One of the essential ways to ensure you will not be a victim of identity theft is to create strong and complicated passwords. Identity thieves crave easy-to-guess passwords as this gives them easy access to all your personal information. When creating a password, you should not use the same password for all your accounts, and make sure you use a variation of letters, numbers, and special characters.
Update Passwords Regularly
It is also imperative to update your passwords often. Identity thieves are very tech-savvy, and it is recommended you update your passwords at least every three months, if not more often.
If your information has been the victim of a data breach or you suspect you may have been hacked, change your password immediately.
Monitor Your Credit Report
Checking your credit report for suspicious activity and accounts is the most straightforward way to determine if you have become a victim of identity theft. Each year, you can obtain a free copy of your report from all three national credit bureaus. If you notice any accounts you did not open while going through your credit report, start the process of reporting identity theft.
Review All Financial Accounts Frequently
In addition to reviewing your credit report, you should also monitor all your bank and credit card accounts. You may also want to set up fraud alerts so that you will be directly notified of suspicious activity.
Do Not Share Personal Information Online
It may seem obvious to some, but it is important to ensure that you are not sharing personal information on social media. Information such as your birthday and email address is valuable to hackers and makes it even easier for them to steal your identity.
Here are a few more internet and social media safety tips:
Ensure you are only downloading from trusted sources.
Do not fall victim to phishing emails and phone calls.
Protect Your Social Security Number
When speaking with a company on the phone, they will only ask for the last four digits of your Social Security Number, most of the time. If someone on the phone or online requests for the full SSN, you should not provide it.
Additionally, you should not always carry your Social Security card with you. It is best to secure this card in a safe place.
Leaving a Trail of Information
If you receive mail with personal information and choose to throw it away, you should shred or rip up the papers. Identity thieves have been known to scurry through trash to find valuable information.
Beware of Card Skimming
Card skimming is a tactic used by thieves to gain credit card information and data. Hackers use skimmers to grab the information from your card’s magnetic stripe, and then they can access your bank account or create duplicate cards.
When paying with a debit or credit card, always be aware of the equipment and inspect it before inserting your card.
Get the Best Identity Theft Insurance from National Public Employee Alliance
The best way to ensure you are protecting yourself from identity theft is to purchase Identity Theft Insurance. This insurance not only saves you from identity theft but it helps you get back on track faster if you are a victim of identity theft.
Speak with a National Educational Services advisor today to discuss adding Identity Theft Insurance to your plan at an affordable price.